Milène J. Fernández

Why Write About Art?

Murmurs persuading me to write crescendoed—like a concert of trumpets…

I wrote that sentence months ago. It held so much gushy promise. Then silence ensued. I wanted to explain why it is important to write about art. But the second sentence would not emerge. Why?

Then yesterday, whilst reading an article by Roger Kimball, “The Abuse of ‘theory’ and the Profundity of the Surface”, finally I understood the problem.

“The great occupational hazard for an art critic or art historian is to let words come between the viewer and the experience of art—to substitute a verbal encounter for an aesthetic one,” Kimball wrote. That is so true! Thank you Mr. Kimball.

Writing about art is important for many reasons. But how it comes across is best done in a way that gives ample space for the viewer to experience. It should not impose, but invite generously.

The high view of trees from my window inspire thoughts of a treehouse, which inspires the imagination and candid conversation. In this spirit, I’m calling this blog, Treehouse Art Talk. I hope you will enjoy my explorations into the following themes:

  • Art and culture
  • Connoisseurship
  • Collecting art
  • Artistry
  • In the studio interviews with artists
  • Exhibition announcements and reviews
  • Book reviews and conversations
  • Consulting
  • Musings and more…

As always, please feel free to suggest or comment.

Be well and stay true.

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